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Excel Trading with Multiple Instances is possible. In conclusion for various reasons, you may like to run multiple instances of APIBridge on same computer. Each instance gives you full power with different logins. For example, you may like to trade at same -time in 5 family accounts. This can be easily done via multi-instance.

Before proceeding, make sure you are already familiar with APIBridge platform.

Only one instance can be connected to TradingView currently. Other platforms allow connecting with multiple instance at the same time.

Step 1: Create a multi-instance setup as shown in video below. Ignore the Admin part.

Step 2 : For each setup, use a different port. Go to Application Settings -> Signal settings and change Default TCP port in different instance like 30001, 30002, 30003 etc. Do NOT change the port of the instance you want to use with TradingView.

Step 3: In Excel, simply use multiple rows with different port numbers. In the picture given below, same SBIN symbol is used with 4 rows to trigger order in 4 instances at the same time. That’s all! the multi-instances works just like single instance. The only difference is that you have to enter X multiple of rows for each symbol, where X is the number of instances.

Note: you can hide any of the A-columns which you do not use

Here is the video to help you with the process of Excel Trading with Multiple Instances.