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Signal Rules help you avoid wrong order placement through strategy/button misfire. APIBridge allows deep level of control on how to process your Signals.

However you can manage Signal Rules by clicking on top Application Settings ->Signal Settings.

Signal Source
If the Signals are received from Local PC only via application such as Amibroker/MT4/Python, tick Local Computer. If you want to receive Signals from Admin, tick Admin. Admin here means a professional Investment Advisor (IA). If you are not taking services from any IA, you should keep un-checked receive signals from admin.

Select Amibroker Path
Only if you are receiving Signals via Amibroker, you can set here the path for Amibroker.exe. If you are not using Amibroker, you can ignore this completely.

Default TCP Port
You can use it to trade in multiple accounts using multiple instance